Dehydrating Blackberries

by admin | February 23, 2012 5:41 am

Dehydrated Blackberries[1]Blackberries are a little tricky, but can prove a nice addition to your collection of dehydrated and preserved goods. Often, blackberries are loaded with seeds, so you may want to rehydrate them, puree them, and strain out the seeds.

  1. Wash and pat berries dry.
  2. Removes the stems from the blackberries.
  3. Use your dehydrator [2]to dry your blackberries at 100 degrees F for about 10 hours – you want them to be brittle when done.
  4. Store your dried blackberries like all dried goods, in a dry, airtight container in a cool, dark place.

How to rehydrate:

You can use blackberries on ice cream, or in muffins or scones, or you can add them to trail mix. The Puree can be used in a number of ways as well – to make sauces and syrups, or to make your own cordial.

  1. [Image]:
  2. dehydrator :

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