Disaster Emergency Shelter Tent

by admin | May 13, 2011 10:21 pm

[1]Emergency Shelter Tent, Reflective Tube Tent, Cold Weather Emergency Shelter, Emergency Zone Brand

Site Price: $9.99


This tube type tent is great for emergencies. It is constructed with reflective material, making it light-weight and makes it retain body heat. It can hold two people, and when expanded is 8 feet long. It’s compact and easy to add to any emergency survival kit.

  1. [Image]: https://thedisasterkits.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Disaster-Emergency-Shelter-Tent.jpg
  2. [Image]: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000Y9BRCM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=chrcargammova-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399349&creativeASIN=B000Y9BRCM

Source URL: https://thedisasterkits.com/disaster-emergency-shelter-tent/