Best Disaster Survival Handbooks

May 16, 2011 by  
Filed under General Emergency Supplies

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When a disaster strikes, it is always unexpected and no one is ever truly prepared. In these instances–when there is no internet and getting a hold of, say, a doctor–it is difficult to get help or know what to do. Many of these handbooks reveal how to perform medical necessities, like delivering a child, without the help of modern technology. They can teach you how to hunt, gather food, or find clean water to drink.

Crisis Preparedness Handbook by Jack A Spigarelli

Crisis Preparedness Handbook by Jack A Spigarelli

Where There Is No Doctor Handbook

Where There Is No Doctor Handbook

Preparedness Now by Aton Edwards

Preparedness Now by Aton Edwards

Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family

Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family

Emergency Medicine Manual

Emergency Medicine Manual

The Disaster Recovery Handbook

The Disaster Recovery Handbook

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