Dehydrating Blueberries

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Preparing and Preserving Food Items

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Dried BlueberriesBlueberries are an excellent item for your home preserves for emergency supplies – or just as a nice addition to everyday meals or baked goods. Dried blueberries are great in dried oats or oatmeal, or even in trail mixes. They also do not need to be rehydrated to be used in baking – such as in muffins, breads, pancakes, waffles, scones, or in so many other goods. You can also use them in home-made herbal tea.

  1. Wash and drain your blueberries.
  2. Remove the stems of your blueberries.
  3. Drop blueberries into already boiling water and let them boil until the skins crack. As soon as they crack, drain them and them immerse them in ice water so they stop cooking.
  4. Drain and place the boiled blueberries on cookie sheets in the freezer until frozen.
  5. Once frozen, dry them in your dehydrator for approximately 6-10 hours.
  6. Store your dried blueberries in a clean, airtight, and dry container in a cool, dark location.

How to Rehydrate:

  • Soak in hot water for 15 minutes.

While dehydrating blueberries takes a little more work than other fruits, it is well worth the effort to have a container of dried blueberries handy to use – even if its just to make some fantastic blueberry muffins!

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