All Weather Emergency Space Blanket

September 8, 2011 by  
Filed under General Emergency Supplies

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Emergencies happen all the time, so it’s important to have the right supplies on hand. Whether it just be the shock from a car accident to the shivering cold from being stranded over night, an emergency blanket can be the difference between life and death, exhaustion and comfort. Moreover, this Emergency Blanket can be used for other things: tarps, tourniquets, makeshift tent, and more.

This specific emergency blanket comes in four different colors: red, orange, blue, and olive. It’s probably smart to get a bright one and a dark one: a bright one may be the visual stimulation needed for someone to find you, while a dark one would work well if trying to remain hidden (who knows why).

It weighs 12 oz, making it heavier than the standard mylar blanket, but way lighter than a military blanket. It’s called a space-blanket simply because the thinness, but it’s re-usable (compared to mylar, awesome!), has multiple purposes, and great for a car emergency kit or general survival supplies you keep in your home.

Space All Weather Blanket

Site Price: $16.51

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