Portable Emergency Propane Stove

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No one knows how a disaster will effect the world around them. You may lose access to gas and electricity, especially if you’re on the road when it happens. leaving you stranded and starving. If you can’t get back to your house, your matches are wet, and you’re absolutely starving, what can you do but try to prepare your own food?

That’s where these little portable stoves come in handy. Yes, they’re actually meant for camping, but the compact size, easy-to-carry and light-weight design make them ideal for emergency survival too. This one is a single burner, making it even smaller than regular portable stoves, and runs off a small propane tank.

The Coleman PowerPack Stove can use 7,500 BTU and has a range of high to low heat. The propane is controlled via PerfectFlow, keeping the pressure at an even level. It’s super light-weight and becomes a small square when packed away.

The size makes it perfect to stash in a car, motorhome, or survival kit. Don’t worry about not being prepared again!

Coleman PowerPack 1-Burner Stove
Site Price: $34.99

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