Top Survival Earthquake Emergency Kits

May 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Earthquake Survival Kits

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Earthquakes are naturally occurring disasters, when different tectonic plates shift in movement against one another. Where two crusts meet is called a fault-line, and there are several types, such as subduction (which involves an oceanic plate), thrust, slip, oblique, and more. They are graded in a 0.1-10.0 magnitude, and the largest one recorded since 1900 was a 9.5 in Chile in 1977. On March 3, 2011, Japan suffered a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and suffered untold damage.

Owning a kit like the ones below is a great way to attempt being prepared, but no one is ever truly prepared for a disaster. They all include some form of food or water, first aid kit, and more, and vary in sizes for 1-4 person sizes. Each comes in a bag of some sort for easy transport.

2 Person 3 Day Earthquake Grab and Go Kit

2 Person 3 Day Earthquake Grab and Go Kit

Earthquake Emergency Family Survival Kit

Earthquake Emergency Family Survival Kit

4 Person Deluxe Emergency Earthquake Bucket Kit

4 Person Deluxe Emergency Earthquake Bucket Kit

72 Hour 4 Person Earthquake Survival Kit
72 Hour 4 Person Earthquake Survival Kit
Deluxe Emergency Earthquake Survival Backpack Kit

Deluxe Emergency Earthquake Survival Backpack Kit

1 Person Earthquake Disaster Emergency Kit

1 Person Earthquake Disaster Emergency Kit

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