Deluxe 2-Person Disaster Survival Kit

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Deluxe 2-Person by SurvivalKitsOnline Perfect Survival Kit for Emergency Disaster Preparedness for Earthquake, Hurricane, Fire, Evacuations, Auto, Home and Family

Site Price: $99.95

This kit comes with a deluxe hikers backpack with enough space for personal items, such as prescriptions. Includes: 6 pocket hiker’s backpack; 24 pouches of Datrex water (5 year life shelf); 24 200 calorie Datrex food bars; 20 Water purification tablesĀ  (1 liter of water); flashlight and AM/FM radio with headphones; 5-in-1 survival whistle with compass, signal, mirror, flint starter, waterproof container, lanyard, and shrill whistle; 2 emergency green glow light sticks that last 12 hours; 1 box of 50 waterproof matches; survival sleeping bag (better than space blankets); 2-16 hour body warmers; 1-2 person tube tent with rope; 2 ponchos; 16 function knife; working gloves; 2 dust masks; 50 feet nylon rope; 2 hygiene kits including soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and 9 wet wipes; pocket tissues; First-Aid kit.

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